
Below you can find information on how to use BE’s custom features that are provided for players and server admins. If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to send us an email.

Client-side BE commands

You can send commands to the BE Client in a few games e.g. by entering “#beclient [command]” in the chat area on BE-enabled servers. The following commands are currently available:

Show your own BE GUID.

Show information about all players on the server, including their GUID and ping.

NOTE: The BE Client is designed to work independently on all clients and therefore doesn’t require any manual configuration affecting its performance.

Server-side BE commands

You can send commands to the BE Server by connecting via BE RCon and entering the commands in the console. You can also automatically execute any commands on server launch by putting them into a file called “BEServer(_x64).cfg” (“beserver(_x64).cfg” on Linux) in your BE working directory. The following commands are currently available:

Show all available commands.

RConPort [port]
Specify the port used to access the server via BE RCon (required). Note that this port needs to be different from the game server’s port(s).

RConIP [ip]
Specify the IP address the server should bind to for BE RCon access. This setting is optional and should only be used by experts. For most servers (especially those that only use a single network interface) it should not be needed.

RConPassword [password]
Specify the password required to access the server via BE RCon (required).

Show the current BE Server version.

Show information about all players on the server, including their GUID and ping. The player # being shown is used for other commands described below.

List all RCon clients/admins that are currently connected.

kick [player #] [reason]
Kick the player from the server and optionally show him a reason.

(Re)load the BE ban list from bans.txt in your BE working directory. This command is automatically issued on server launch.

Re-write the current ban list to bans.txt. This command can be used to remove expired bans.

Show a list of all BE server bans.

ban [player #] [time in minutes] [reason]
Ban a player’s BE GUID from the server. If time is not specified or 0, the ban will be permanent. Optionally you can also display a reason.

addBan [GUID or IP address] [time in minutes] [reason]
Same as “ban”, but allows to ban a player that is not currently on the server.

removeBan [ban #]
Remove a ban (get the ban # from the “bans” command).

say [player #] [message]
Send an in-game message to players. If the player # is -1, the message is sent to all players, otherwise the message is sent privately to the specific player.